TPM in Poland

TPM in Poland

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The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting for the "Reaching the Stars" project, held in Lublin, Poland, from January 16th to 19th, 2023, involved various partner organizations.

The meeting included discussions on project results, such as conducted research and the presentation of a handbook (PR1), as well as activities within phases 1 and 2, including visualizations of cards and proposed competences (PR2). There were also deliberations on digital materials for guidance and counseling (PR3), transferring offline materials to online, and establishing concepts and arrangements among partners. The meeting covered practical aspects like risk management, communication, and future project schedules. The partners were assigned tasks and deadlines for upcoming work, including proposals for an online platform, card games, and occupation descriptions. Additionally, future events, including an LTTA in Italy and the next TPM in Slovenia, were planned.